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Articolo pubblicato nel fascicolo di Ottobre 2023 di Carta & Cartiere TISSUE TECHNOLOGY


Toscotec’s global leadership of turnkey tissue projects strongly relies on its high-performing and flexible services.

di: Toscotec SpA

Services play a critical role in turnkey projects, where Toscotec manages the supply of a tissue line from its design up to the successful achievement of all the performance guarantees and the customer’s takeover.

This range of services encompass mill engineering design, project management, in-house pre-erection, on-site erection, commissioning, training, start-up, takeover and after services. Both the Project Management and the Service functions at Toscotec cooperatively work with customers in order to achieve the project’s targets under the best possible conditions.

Flexibility and high performance are two major buzzwords for Toscotec’s Service team. In 2022, the turnkey project supplied by Toscotec to the leading Hungarian tissue manufacturer Vajda-Papír is a vivid example of such high performance and flexibility.

Toscotec’s AHEAD 2.2L line at Vajda-Papír (Hungary).

This complete tissue line included a double-width AHEAD 2.2L machine and an OPTIMA slitter rewinder, as well as all the onsite erection operations, which alone required a team of more than 190 technicians over a period of approximately 200 days.

The results achieved after start-up testify to the efficiency of Toscotec’s Service team. They include:

  • Takeover achieved in just 20 days after start-up.
  • The very 1st Reel was acceptable for sale and sent to converting.
  • 1,800 m/min operating speed achieved within the first 3 days.
  • 2,050 m/min operating speed achieved within 4 weeks.
  • Machine efficiency in the first month exceeded contract guarantees by approximately 70%.
  • Energy consumptions have been very low and in line with performance guarantees from the beginning.

Martin Schratter, Paper Technology Manager at Vajda-Papír says: “Two aspects have been most impressive about this project. The first is the truly excellent cooperation between our team and Toscotec. And the second is PM2’s outstanding performance. I have personally followed the project from its outset, and I have to say that it was managed admirably well by Toscotec during all stages”.

Toscotec’s AHEAD 2.2L line at Vajda-Papír (Hungary).

Francesco Ureni, Associate Chief Customer Service Officer at Toscotec says: “Starting from the 5th day after start-up, PM2 has been running 24/7. Soon after, Vajda-Papír has taken the baton from Toscotec and successfully managed around-the-clock operations only with our Service team’s support. The in-depth training of the previous months and their proactive participation during commissioning allowed them to get off to a very good start”.

Founded in 1999, Vajda-Papír is headquartered in Budapest and operates 3 sites in Budapest, Székesfehérvár and Hungary’s biggest and most modern integrated tissue mill at Dunaföldvár, south of Budapest. It manufactures 115,000 tons/year of toilet tissue, handkerchiefs, towels and napkins. Vajda-Papír owns the famous brands Ooops!, Sindy, Star and Lilla and distributes its products to the consumer and AfH markets in Hungary and over 30 countries worldwide.


Founded in 1948, Toscotec specializes in the design and manufacture of turn-key projects, complete machines, rebuilds and stand-alone systems for the tissue and paper and board industries.

Toscotec’s AHEAD 2.2L line at Vajda-Papír (Hungary).

Headquartered in Lucca (Italy), with subsidiaries and service centers in China and North America, offers cutting-edge technology and customized solutions to paper producers around the world.

The technology is designed to achieve high production efficiency, low energy consumption and products of the highest quality. Energy efficiency, energy saving and quality are the basis for all its research and development, design and manufacturing.

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